The lobster's shell does not grow. When it outgrows its shell, it loses it and is confined under rocks while a new one grows. It is a time of enormous vulnerability, but at the same time absolutely necessary. Like the lobster, the adolescent is at that point of transition where it is no longer what it was, but not yet what it will be....
It is a time of change and vulnerability
This project is a study of adolescence, a time of identity creation and profound physical and psychological changes.
Adolescence brings with it momentous physical changes that will give rise to the adult body, but which is not yet an established one. This in-between and temporary body is revered within the consumerist society whose main mantra is eternal youth and gives rise to the "cultural conspiracy" that Naomi Wolf talks about. Wolf argues that beauty is the most effective belief system for keeping male dominance over women intact. "The truth is that 75% of women have shapely, smooth, rounded hips, thighs and bellies. These were perceived as desirable and sensual until women got the vote". The expected rebellion against this dominance has turned around, and we see increasing demands on male bodies.
As a result the adolescent is both feared and adored. Subject and object of a consumerist machine that imposes impossible goals during one of the most psycho-emotionally vulnerable stages of human growth. -
A time of discovery
A time of contrasts
A time of friendship
Angélica Arbulú: The time of the Lobster - ZonaMaco Foto
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