Urvanity vindicates proposals that, based on the artistic expression developed in the urban context from the 1970s onwards, today construct a dialogue with modernity and, therefore, offer a scenario in which to explain the world. Since it is not only a question of attending to the set of formal choices that an artist makes, but also of understanding the public place where he or she configures his or her work and also that the latter communicates at least an experience of the aesthetic order.
From 27th to 30th of May, we have the pleasure of presenting the work of two artists at the Urvanity Fair in Madrid: the Spanish photographer Rosa Muñoz, and the Dutch textile artist Nanon Morsink. Both are extraordinary women, belonging to the same generation, whose artistic careers are strongly marked by a continuous, restless and courageous search.
Muñoz and Morsink construct their body of work from a central element, in the case of Rosa Muñoz it is the image and in the case of Nanon Morsink, the thread. From these primary elements, both artists construct, deconstruct, intervene, play with and rearticulate the material to present us with a new vision, a new perspective, a new possibility, in the end, a new look at the world we inhabit.